The FastDiet

Sorry for the delay in posting…just been a busy week.

If you can’t tell yet, I love to read about health. Another really good book on fasting is called The FastDiet, by Dr. Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer.

FastDiet may sound like a fad, but it’s actually a well-thought out and scientifically documented way to revive your health, lose weight and live a longer and healthier life. Intermittent fasting gives your body a much-needed break and lets it restore itself so it works much more efficiently.

If you combine fasting with a good diet that lets you re-introduce foods to your system that won’t bring the weight back, you’ll be able to keep it off and stay healthy. Co-authors, Dr. Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer present this updated version of The FastDiet with great new recipes and the latest information on fasting.

Much has been discovered recently about dieting, fasting and the effects on your body and mind. You can read about the science of the process in the first chapter of the book.

The remainder of the book deals with how to see the results and gain the most benefits from fasting, new menu plans and even a calorie counter to help you along. Motivation is imperative when you fast and The FastDiet book gives tips on how to get motivated and keep it through the fasting and diet experience.

The authors both agree that exercise is an important part of any diet and have expanded the book to include and explain how you can use high intensity workouts to get more out of your fasting experience.

You can fast two days per week on the FastDiet plan and reap tremendous benefits in weight loss and health without feeling deprived. Skeptics of fasting are now realizing through scientific evidence how this type of dieting can heal and prevent diseases.

If you’re looking for weight loss, you’ll get results if you follow the plan. Your metabolism will be jump-started, your body cleansed and your appetite and cravings will diminish. You will be in fat-burning mode and the fat will melt off your body.

One problem many people experience with dieting is that when they stop the diet plan the weight comes back on like bees to honey. It’s your body trying to load you up with fat again so you won’t starve.

The FastDiet book also gives a perspective on fasting from a woman and a man’s point of view. Men and women are different in the way hormones and insulin levels affect their bodies and Mosley and Spencer help you understand the difference and how to manipulate them with diet to make them work for rather than against you.

A recent study found that intermittent fasting can rejuvenate stem cells, an incredible find. Stem cells can produce more white cells as you age which will result in a more active and healthy immune system.

Finally, we all want to live a long life free from any major problems or diseases. The FastDiet book explains how fasting can increase your lifespan and keep you free from the chronic diseases that are age-related.

It’s definitely worth the read!

Check out The FastDiet book here.

And then let me know what you think.

17 thoughts on “The FastDiet

  1. In Islam, as Muslims we are taught by the prophet Mohammed for fasting on monday and thursday, and it’s called “sunnah fasting”. These are some of the benefits of fasting every Monday and Thursday for physical health.

    It provides an opportunity to rest the digestive tract. Because on the day when we are not fasting tool digestion in the body works very hard. By fasting every Monday and Thursday, it means restricting calories in our body to produce enzymes and antioxidants that can clean substances that are toxic and carcinogenic, and removing it from the body.

    And it also can prevent diseases caused by excessive nutrient diet, which is not necessarily good for one’s health. Excess nutrients or overnutrisi cause obesity which can cause degenerative diseases such as high cholesterol and triglycerides, coronary heart disease, diabetes (diabetes mellitus), and others.

    However, i love your article. Thank you for writing on it ❤


  2. I’ve been practicing intermittent fasting for the last several months. Two days a week I restrict my daily caloric intake to about 500 calories, generally in the form of green smoothies. I see a huge amount of improvement in not only weight loss but energy, focus and heightened intuition as well. Plus, it’s kind of nice taking a break from preparing food!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You sold me ……just ordered the book! I tried intermittent fasting a couple years ago and it helped me to lose a significant amount of weight that , at 55 then, didn’t want to budge. I’m now trying to get back on that same wagon I fell off of and am hoping that book will help……..and your blog as well😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is interesting. I have read a lot about fasting as well, but I still don’t understand enough of it to lean either way. For anyone with live or kidney issues, it could be detrimental to the body. On the other hand, for someone who does not regularly eat wholesome foods, and does not live a healthy lifestyle, fasting can actually do damage. It’s important to remember, that if you are going to proceed with a diet like this – make sure your body has the nutrients it needs before beginning. Do you agree? Feeding yourself properly before a change like this one is necessary.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great job spreading the reasoning for fasting. Hopefully more will realize the extreme benefits of this practice.I know I can lose weight at unprecedented rates while fasting . . . not to mention the total lack of stretch-marks or hanging skin afterwards!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I used to fast 2 times per week until I found out I had Type 2 Diabetes, the fasting seemed to help me with “rebooting” my metabolism and causing weight loss to start again. I now cannot fast but I eat smaller meals, more whole foods and plant-based foods, and less carbs.

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